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Access barsclass
"empowering people to know that they know"©

The Barsare 32 points on the head that when are lightly touched release a discharge of our thoughts, feelings and emotions that limit our life and living.

We are accessing the Brain's recycle bin and erasing everything that doesn't allow us to function in a smooth and joyful way.

The Barsclass is the first class in the wide world of Access Consciousness .

it offers an intro about Access and its founders , the basic verbal tools for

everyday use and learning how to run the Bars. 

Anyone can attend the class! it can create change in your business,

your relationships, your money situation, your family life and so much more.

It's an amazing class to attend with a friend/a partner/a family member

and keep practicing at home, It's a great tool for any kind of therapist to add to their practice, It's a phenomenal tool for parents with children with ADD/ADHD or any label, Its is great for anyone seeking to change their life.

all participants receive a Bars Practitioner certificate.

Children are welcome to attend for free,

Teens ages 16-18 pay half price

The class costs 360 CAD

Half price for teens or people who previously attended a class- 180 CAD.



Access Faceliftclass


The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the appearance of aging on the face and creates similar effects throughout the body.

This process can create change with- acne, wrinkles, migraines, pigmentation, sinuses, vision, hearing and so much more. after the session your face is shining and radiant and the changes can effect the whole body! 

Learn the Access Energetic Facelift™ with a friend or two so you can gift and receive the benefits of this dynamic process on a weekly basis.

A brilliant addition for any beauty therapists business, and/or massage therapists wishing to extend to their clientele.

global price- 450 CAD



Access foundationclass

The Foundation classes are designed to empower you to change anything and everything you’d like to change in your life. 

You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What if it’s possible to change anything? What if you know something that no one else knows? What if now is the time to express and choose everything you came here to be?

prerequisite- Bars Class

Duration- 4 days

cost- 1650$ (or 800$ repeat price)


for more information on upcoming classes go to:

or email


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